Saturday 4 October 2008


So, another month rolls round and, looking out of the window, it is blindingly obvious that Autumn has arrived! However, for Dazed & Confused, one month is pretty much the same as another - more music to play and more fun to be had, and this month is no exception!

Having said that, we've got this weekend off - one of us is away sailing (in this weather!), one of us is in a caravan in Wales (in this weather!), and one of us is dying with a stinking cold (in this weather - no hold on, that doesn't work). Anyway, it gives us a chance to gird our loins for next weekend when we do a double header in Disley on Friday 10th (private party) and then the Broken Cross Beer Festival on Saturday 11th.

Not sure what the plan is for the Beer Festival (other than to play music and drink beer!) but there is a link to their website, which give some more information

Broken Cross Beer Festival website

Looks like you can start drinking at 12:00 noon, but we're not on until the evening, so it could go one of 2 ways - we'll bring the body armour and tin hats just in case!! Also seems like there's somebody else on with us as well (well, hopefully, not actually with us, as it could get a tad confusing!) - she looks a feisty lady, and as if she could eat us all for breakfast, so we'll have to watch out for her (good job there's a hog roast on!)

So, if you're at a loose end, and feeling thirsty next Saturday evening, why not mosey on down to good old Broken Cross and have yourself a real good time y'all - yee hah!

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The Voice!

The Voice!

The Rock God!

The Rock God!

Lord Montague of Macclesfield

Lord Montague of Macclesfield

The Drummer!

The Drummer!

The Token Bird!

The Token Bird!