Wednesday 20 May 2009


Cast your minds back to the cold dark nights of January - our first gig of 2009 saw us pitch up at The Windmill in Whiteley Green for what turned out to be a mega night of fun and entertainment! Well, we've been trying to sort out a return date for some time, and now it's happening - this Friday (22 May)!

We've just about come down from our Beer Festival high, and Andy, Matt and Paul went out for a de-brief (ie several pints!) last Thursday, while Hugh & Dave were drowning themselves off the coast of Scotland, and Chrissie was "working" (well, that's what she calls it - nudge, nudge!). The consensus was that we did pretty well - some moans about sound quality on Saturday, but judging from the audience reaction, and subsequent feedback, we were well chuffed (and we had another pint to celebrate!).

As ever though, it's onward and upward, and we're looking forward to exerting ourselves again this weekend. We'll probably pick and choose from the Beer Fest sets for Friday night but, starting tomorrow night, we'll be trying yet more new numbers so that, by the time we reach the Congleton Beer Fest at the end of June, we've got them polished.

So, get yourselves down to the Windmill on Friday; the light nights are fast approaching, and it's supposed to be a warm evening. Never mind the bright lights of Wilmslow WAG-land, Adlington is the place to be - good food, good beer and great music - what more could you ask for??

Here's the link to the Windmill website, which gives you some more information (although I notice we're not on there - obviously don't need the publicity!), and here's a map of how to get there!

Sunday 10 May 2009


Well, there it was - gone! Loads of build up, plenty of butterflies and, before you know it, the whole thing's over! But let me tell you, it was a fantastic experience for us - Friday night was good, but last night was even better!

The Beavers did a great job of warming the crowd up and, by the time the clock ticked round to 10:00pm, we were also raring to go! Choice of first number is always tricky, and we elected to go with "Say You love Me" which has a Blues Brothers feel, and allows us to do some introductory waffle - got the crowd jumping up and down at least, and when we went straight into "Johnny B Goode" everything kicked off big style!

We changed the set round a bit from Friday, so that it was all high energy numbers, and we made sure we had enough in to last us the full hour and a half - the only problem with high energy numbers is that you have to have the energy to do them - that gets to be more of a problem each year!

Anyway, high spots were the singalongs for "Brown Eyed Girl", "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" and "Come up And See Me" for which Hugh, our drummer got a standing ovation (obviously, as there were no seats!). The final thrash of "Teenage Kicks", "My Generation" and, particularly "Somebody Told Me" nearly ripped the roof off the marquee - and when we did "Delilah" as our encore there was just a wall of sound coming back from the audience - ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!

A big thank you to the crowds on both nights - you were tremendous, and a special thanks to Dan the sound man for getting the mix just right - and for the help when Andy's guitar sound decided to pack up just as Chrissie was about to launch into "Sweet Child of Mine" - that was a bit of a sphincter twitching moment!
We're booked in for the Congleton Beer Festival on 27 June, and the gauntlet is well and truly thrown down in the direction of the Congolians (including sweaty groupies!) to match the passion of the Macc Beer Festival crowds - can you do it??

So, we might be back next year - who knows? If they want us back, I'm pretty sure we'd be happy to go for our 5th year but, if not, this one will certainly live on in our memories! Lucy took some photos again, and I've put them onto a Flickr album - just click on the link, and then click on the slideshow button on the top right hand side.

Next gig is back at the Windmill in Whiteley Green on Friday 22 May -more about that is due course.

Saturday 9 May 2009


As we did last year, I thought I would give everyone an update on how the first night's Beer Festival festivities went - and that is after just returning from the Saturday lunchtime session - purely business obviously!

As reported elsewhere, we kicked the proceedings off last night and, although an 8:15pm start is pretty daunting, we were pleased to see there was a stiff, cold breeze blowing which meant that, although folks were tempted outside by the evening sunshine, they pretty soon cam back inside before their bits froze off! Bonus for us, because it meant we had an audience!

Being the "warm up" act is always tricky, because you want to do your best stuff, but have to recognise that the crowd needs time to get into the swing of things - anyway, we did what we do and, in truth, it seemed to go down a storm - old and new numbers e.g. Teenage Kicks (our "joke" number when you weigh up the average age of the band!) and My Generation being particularly well received! There was a bit of a panic when we realised we were down to our last 3 numbers and still had 25 minutes left to do! No matter, out came the old audience favourites "Brown Eyed Girl" and "Come Up and See Me" and we were back on track - we'd saved "Delilah" until last in the belief that it was the right song to take us out and, sure enough, the crowd nearly brought the marquee down with the chorus! Unfortunately, due to time constraints, we couldn't accede to the roars for an encore, much as we would have loved to stay on all night! Once we were off, there was time to chill out with a few beers (b-rewed not to!) and we were overwhelmed with the number of people that came up to thank us and congratulate us on what we'd done - nobody has to do that, and it really gives us a lift when it happens - eat your heart out Enrique! We've even had an enquiry about playing a gig in Durham on the back of last night! Here are some photos from Lucy's camera to give you a flavour of the fun!:

So, one down and one to go - tonight we're finishing the whole festival off, and will be on stage at 10:00pm - we're really looking forward to the headline spot, and we know the Beavers will be whipping everyone into a frenzy beforehand - if you're going down there, make sure you pack round the stage and sing your hearts out - we will do our best to give you a good time!

Log back in here in the next few days for an update on how tonight's proceedings go - can't guarantee to post tomorrow though!

Monday 4 May 2009


Well, only 4 days to go before the big day(s)! The extravaganza that is the Macclesfield Beer Festival kicks off this Friday (8 May) and carries on, almost without stopping (well it will seem like that to us!) until midnight on Saturday!

Knowing how demanding our public is we have, of course, been practising like mad to hone our set so that it is sharper than a very sharp thing! Only last Thursday, we were at the Brewery until gone midnight - admittedly most of the time was spent drinking beer, rolling around the floor laughing at childish jokes, and telling each other how bad we were at the respective things we do in the band - but we try to think of that as bonding!

In all seriousness, and without giving too much away, I can say that at least half the set on each night will contain songs that we didn't do at last year's Beer Fest - however, in line with our stated mission (very corporate eh what?!) most, if not all of them will be familiar and, even if they aren't, you'll still be able to dance to them (or whatever it is you are capable of doing by the time we come on!).

As ever, the event is expected to be sold out on both nights, so that will mean about 1300 punters in the tent (sorry marquee!) on each night. So, if you haven't got your ticket yet, and love good music and good beer get one quick - apparently, Enrique Iglesias is "performing" somewhere on Friday night - but would you really want to pass up Dazed & Confused to see him - no, I thought not! Details on where last minute tickets might be available from, are on the Beer Festival website.

Look forward to seeing everyone there - come up and say hello, if you dare!

The Voice!

The Voice!

The Rock God!

The Rock God!

Lord Montague of Macclesfield

Lord Montague of Macclesfield

The Drummer!

The Drummer!

The Token Bird!

The Token Bird!