Sunday 22 February 2009


Well, friends, if we wanted the perfect antidote to our last outing, we got it last night! Our virginal appearance at the Nag's Head was absolutely brilliant (I can't think of many things that would have improved it!), and it's only fair that I give you a blow by blow account of the evening, not just so you can absorb, through the ether, the ambience of the event, but also so we can re-live it!

As mentioned elsewhere in this virtual diary, the Nag's Head is famous in Macclesfield and its ennvirons for being the Mecca of music, especially rock music, so we felt privileged to have been asked to play there. However, we were also aware that much of the music played at the Nag's is of a somewhat "heavy" nature, so it was with some trepidation that we approached the gig as, although our repertoire is varied, eclectic and brilliant, it is not exactly out of the Iron Maiden, Metallica or Slayer stable! This was actually confirmed last night when we told that a friend had heard we were playing on Friday night (not Saturday), which is the real "head banging" night, and was trying to contact us to cancel, because he feared we would be killed in an avalanche of beer glasses! Notwithstanding this, Andy had put together 2 sets which, in his professional opinion, would give us a fair chance of escaping with all our body parts intact, and maybe even meet with the approval of the discerning clientele (sorry, you Moondance fans, we had to leave that one out!)! We practised the whole gig on Thursday night, and surprised ourselves with how good we were (even on Hey Joe which we probably haven't done for 2 years!).

So we pitched up at around 8 last night to find the pub filling up nicely, and to hear the strains of heavy rock music pouring out of the jukebox! By the time we went on at about 9:50 there was a sizeable crowd in place, as well as the "locals", I'm pleased to say there were also many familiar faces present, and I have to again say a big thank you to them for their unfailing support - Iain, Tony, Claire, Justin, and everyone else - you know who you are and we appreciate you enormously!

The first set went really well and, by the time we came off at around 10:35 we were really getting a taste for it! The second set started at 11:15 and, amzingly, the "music room" was packed which, apparently is almost unheard of! The next hour or so is a bit of a blur for me, because we were carried on a wave of adrenaline - Andy was smashing power chords all over the place, Matt had his bass turned right up so the walls were shaking, Dave had got the sound balance almost perfect, and was beating his acoustic to death, Chrissie was dancing like a dervish (even disappearing into the crowd at one stage!) and Hugh was threatening to break every skin on his kit! Every number was rapturously received - Somebody Told Me by The Killers got its first public airing, and received the unqualified thumbs up from our most discerning young fans (i.e Lucy and Anna, my daughters!) and even Delilah made it onto the set list as an encore!

We eventually finished around 12:45, leaving the crowd still baying for more but, as I had almost no voice left, we couldn't oblige! After our traditional post-gig group hugs, the consensus view was that it was probably one of the best, if not the best, gigs that we have ever played. Thanks to Sandra for giving us the chance, to the crowd for being so flipping brilliant, and to the band for being the best in Macclesfield, if not the country (watch out Elbow, here we come!)!

So, it's on to The White Lion in Disley next Saturday (28th) - difficult to follow last night, but we're up for making it even better - get yourselves up in the hills for the hottest ticket in town!

Sunday 15 February 2009


Goodness me, it must be weeks since we updated this - good reason, nothing has happened!

Since the Spinners debacle, we've all been in therapy - except for Dave, of course, who did not get the emotional scarring that the rest of us did! We've been asked back(!), and we've told Dave he has to do it on his own!

Our therapy has included a couple of band outings - one to The Ship the other Thursday, and one to Sutton Hall last Sunday - where we had the honour and privilege to meet up again with old band mates Frank Witt (with the lovely Robbie), Paul Gregory and Paul Hambley! Unfortunately, we weren't all there at the same time - it was a rolling attendance between 2:00pm and 5:00pm (when Matt eventually managed to crawl from his pit - but I suppose he is in love!!). However, it was great to see everyone, and catch up - could have more members than the Screaming Beavers if we all played together!!

We have been doing some practising as well - and there are at least 2 new numbers reaching maturity. We did try Pretty Woman - but it is well and truly in the bin, for a number of reasons (why do all the simple songs end up being so hard?). We've also even threatened to do an ABBA number or 2 - I guess that could go one of 2 ways.......

So to the next gig - Saturday 21st at The Nag's Head in Macc. Many people will know this as the Mecca of rock music in town and, because of this we approach it with some trepidation (they've billed us up as Daze and Confused, but we'll let them off!)! We're hoping for a full house, but some people are obviously feeling the pressure as they're finding other things to do like parties and things (totally understandable!)! But let's hope it's a good night - it's Andy's gig, so if it all go tits up, we'll blame him! We're all really looking forward to it, and Sandra is eager for us to play - so it's all systems go!!

As for other gigs, you'll find the list on the right hand side - still awaiting confirmation of the Congleton Beer Fest and, if that comes off we expect all our Congleton groupies (sweaty or otherwise!) to be out in force, as they have been for the last 2 years - always a great night!

So, if you're at a loose end next Saturday, get down to the Nag's - there'll be a full run down on proceedings right here - can't guarantee to do it on Sunday, cos we're expecting a late night!

The Voice!

The Voice!

The Rock God!

The Rock God!

Lord Montague of Macclesfield

Lord Montague of Macclesfield

The Drummer!

The Drummer!

The Token Bird!

The Token Bird!