The 2nd Leg of our Spring Pub Tour hits Porter's on Roe Street in Macclesfield this Friday the 13th!! A quick perusal of my encyclopaedia of gig dates reveals that the last time we played there was March 2011, so we are long overdue to give Michelle & John's patrons another dose! As ever, we'll be kicking off around 9pm, so don't worry about anything bad happening (as if anything could!) - just get there, and start your weekend with a bang! Possibly 3 new numbers in the set as well!
Next Thursday sees us playing at a wedding in Prestbury (yes Thursday!), and then we're back on the Pub Tour the following weekend - consecutive nights at The Wharf on Brook Street on Friday 27th followed by our return to The Old Ship Inn on Beech Lane the following evening. We'll be kicking off a little earlier at The Wharf (so the neighbours can get their beauty sleep!), so be there around 8:30, but Saturday night at the Ship will probabgly see the normal mayhem through to the early hours!
Apart from that, not much to report - Dave's been on holiday, but don't suppose we can class that as news, and we're all getting ready for the Beer Festival in May - about which a little explanation is needed! We're starting to lose count of the number of questions we've had along the lines of "Are you playing the Beer Fest this year? You're not - why not??". I've even had people say "Well if you're not playing, we're not going!" So let me clarify things a bit; as many of you will know, we have been privileged to play the best gig in town for the last 6 years - from the dark days of 2006, when we supported the Glass Onion Band from Ireland,( and Frank had to go to the loo about a minute before we were due to start!), through sharing the bill with the Screaming Beavers in 2008 and 2009 (and remembering to wear dark glasses to protect our eyes from their flashy suits!) to playing with Monkey Harris in 2009/10. When we were asked about playing this year (yes, we were asked!) we felt that 6 years was a good run (nobody else has ever done more than 3 in a row), and we wanted to enjoy the event for itself, and give someone else a chance! Believe me, there are moments when we regret that decision - probably every time we mention it to each other actually, and a return next year has already been mooted so, who knows - but all that is a long way away!
So this year, we will be on the floor of the house (probably literally!), along with the rest of the punters, and would urge as many of you as possible to get along and "drink for charity" cos it's all in a good cause! Monkey Harris are on again, along with our stablemates from the Storm Brewing Company, The Chinese Marbles - so get down and give them a cheer - not too loud, mind, we're very sensitive!
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