Gig news - since the last epistle, we've played 2 gigs, added a ruck of others, and scrubbed at least one, so it's not been exactly quiet! Gigs played have been:
- a welcome return to The Jolly Sailor, after a gap of a couple of years. Great to play at Glyn's gaff, and the small, but perfectly formed audience seemed to enjoy it - including a contingent of GooseFest organisers, who made the trip over from Goostrey to see if Steve's view that we are good enough to play at their festival in October was correct, or whether his judgement had been clouded by his imbibing activities at the party in Congleton in December! Happily, they were impressed enough to ask us to do it - just need to find the right date now!
- last Thursday saw our debut at The Snow Goose, which is rapidly becoming THE place to be seen in Macclesfield! Stuart & Nelly like their bands to start early, so we went on at 7:30, with an audience of about 2 - both of whom manfully supported us for the first few songs! After a while, more folk arrived (no doubt confused, because our posters said we weren't staring till 9 - due to a communication breakdown!), and, once the rest of the cavalry had arrived, the place was really rocking! Eventually, our "early doors" gig finished around 10:45, despite repeated cries of "More!", so maybe next time we'll go for the late start, and see what happens?! Stuart and Nelly both enjoyed it, and we have photos to prove it -
The gig list on the right is fairly up to date, and you will see that there are 3 more pubs for us to visit on our Spring Tour:
- Friday 13 April at Porter's on Roe Street - a welcome return (and a popular one if the reaction of Michelle, the landlady, is anything to go by!)
- Friday 27 April at The Wharf on Brook Street - another first for us, and we're delighted to be playing for Chris at his re-furbished and re-energised hostelry!
- Saturday 28 April, at The Old Ship on Beech Lane; as ever, this will be like coming home, and replaces the wedding gig that we had pencilled in for that date, but which has mysteriously been cancelled!
We hope to see loads of you at one, some or all of these, and we will be spending some time over the next 3 weeks, or so, polishing up some new numbers - so watch out!
Various other party gigs have appeared, but we will try to make sure these don't get in the way of public ones - wouldn't like people to be starved of good music, would we?! It really looks like Spring has sprung, the sap is rising, so what better time to get out of an evening and fill your ears with good sounds?
Finally, just noticed that the "ticker" for this piece of literary magic has gone over 6900 visits, so look out Mr 7000 - we're on our way! Will be interesting to see which country the 7000th person comes from, as we're still getting viewed in all parts of the world - whether that's by accident or design, is anybody's guess!
And, finally, finally: Quote of the day (this one from Stebbo): "Never argue with a fool - he will drag you down to his level, and then beat you with experience"
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