Having not played in public for over 10 months (and not much in private, come to think of it!), we approached the gig with not a little trepidation but, as it turned out, there was absolutely nothing (well, hardly anything!) to worry about - most notes and words were remembered (many of them in the correct order) and, most importantly, Andy's guitar arm and fingers stood up to the test!
So, as Chris seemed impressed with the audition, we've been invited back to play the prime gig of the year - New Year's Eve! The plan, at the time of writing, is for us to do 3 sets, the first one starting at around 8:30; we'll be playing up until around 11:45, so we get a chance to enjoy the bongs with our loved ones as well (oo-er Matron), and then Chris will do a DJ set after midnight (not sure he knows about that yet!). There is NO entrance charge for this, but, once the place is full (which, we're guessing, will be pretty early), entry will be restricted, and it'll be a case of "one out, one in". Who knows how many people will be there; hopefully, lots and, as a guide, when we played in October there were over 100 people in the place all night, so it's a fair bet that there will be quite a crowd in! As ever, we'll be delighted to see as many old friends as care to join us (and any new friends you want to bring along!); there will be plenty of fun and games with the old numbers, and there's even a couple of new ones thrown in for good measure!
So, 2016 beckons - another year ticked off; it's difficult to believe that DaZeD aNd ConFuseD has been in "existence", in its current form (with a couple of changes, here and there!) for over 10 years, but there you go! We're planning to be much more "active" next year - holidays, aching muscles and ageing relatives permitting, so watch this space for details of where and when you can have the pleasure!
Until then, it just remains to wish everyone a Very Happy New Year, and we'll do exactly the same again tomorrow night!
1 comment:
I look forward to the outbreak of bongs!
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