Once again, we have had to fight off the demands of numerous agents and other music ne'er do wells, as we have considered the many offers that have flooded our way. It hasn't been easy, and it took us all of about 30 minutes to pull the final list together in between pints of Storm Brewing's finest the other week! Of course, we have had to factor in the remaining holidays of the year (well, we do deserve a break!), and other demands on our time, but we put together probably the most eclectic list of gigs that we've ever done, comprising festivals (yes, only the wimps do summer festivals!), a selection of pub gigs at some of our favourite venues, and a couple of private "dos" that should be a lot of fun - more of which later!
Our first outing is on Saturday 21 September, when we return to play Kingsley Beer Festival. Our debut last year was met with critical acclaim (as much as that can happen when everyone has been drinking for hours on end!), and we were invited back there and then! Like all good bands, we have put our "rider" together, and this contains only 2 requests - free beer for the band, and heating on stage! Last year, it was so cold, that Andy had to warm his hands on the lights, but we've been promised that there will be some form of heating this year (even if it's only fingerless mittens for Andy and Matt!). Details are in the poster above, and no doubt there will be more info appearing on their Facebook page. So, if you fancy a late Summer sojourn to the outskirts of Delamere Forest, we can highly recommend it - it's a delightful spot, and a really friendly crowd.
Saturday 5 October will see us return to The Old Ship Inn on Beech Lane in Macc. Those who read the local press will know that there was a threat of the Ship being closed and sold off for housing development, but a campaign by the locals has given it at least a stay of execution, so it's great to be going back there (for what must be the tenth time, if not more), to celebrate its continued existence! No doubt both fires will be burning fiercely, and there will be much shoulder surfing going on, if certain members of the D&C Massive are in attendance!
The following Friday, 11 October, we are making our debut at Goosfest, which is the local festival held in Goostrey. We were asked to play there last year, but diary conflicts prevented this happening, so it's brilliant to have been asked this year. I don't think any of us had ever heard of the festival before, but it's a really big week-long event, and includes all sorts of art and entertainment. The headline act this year (on the Sunday) is Kiki Dee but, if I were you, I would pop along on the Friday to drink in the atmosphere, and listen to some great music! A detailed programme of events is available on the Goosfest website. and to quote the website piece on our gig - "This promises to be a high octane and enjoyable night so come along to let your hair down and dance the night away!" - no pressure then!!
On Friday 18 October, we're back at The Wharf in Macclesfield. Chris has built this up into a cracking beer and music pub (including winning CAMRA Pub of the Year), and we're privileged to be on the list of "turns" that get invited back. Chrissie suggested we should do a "stripped back" gig, so that the neighbours don't get too upset - we looked at her blankly, and asked what she meant and, now that she's explained, we'll probably end up doing what we always do! Either way, it's always a great night in there, so we're really looking forward to it.
After a couple of weeks rest, to let us draw breath, we've got a whole weekend of gigs for deserving causes! On Friday 15 October, we are playing at the "What Women Want Ball" (now there's a name to conjure with!) at Cranage Hall in Holmes Chapel, in aid of the East Cheshire Hospice. As regular "readers" will know, we're big supporters of the Hospice, because it does fantastic work for the local community and, although this event is a major fundraiser, we are assured it is not at all "starchy, and what the women (and men!) really want to do at this event is have a lot of fun! If anyone would like to support the Hospice and come along to the Ball, the contact is Jane Carter and she can be found on 01625 614193.

The last date on our current list is our regular pre-Christmas thrash at The Windmill in Whiteley Green on Friday 20 December. Our twice-yearly appearances at the Windmill, have become a bit of a tradition, and the end of year one is always special, because there is usually a big crowd, who are happy to let themselves go at the end of the last working day before Christmas (for most people anyway!). There will, no doubt, be more of that as we approach the time but, as it's still over 3 months away, let's park it for the time being, shall we?!
So there you have it - something for everyone over the next few weeks - so get your diaries out, and put the dates in, before you forget! Seems a bit daunting when you look at it written down but, no doubt, it will pass in a flash, as ever! We hope to see loads of you at one or more gigs, and don't hesitate to come and say hello - not that anyone ever does hesitate - because we're always pleased to see familiar faces!
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