Wednesday, 13 October 2010


At last!! Good quality videos with reasonable quality sound!

Look upwards and you will see some snippets from the performance at the East Cheshire Hospice World Cup gig in June - big respect and thanks to Pete (one of our most stalwart supporters) for doing the recording and posting them for me to steal!

Great job Pete - pics and sound good - I'll leave it to others to judge the quality of the performance!

And here's something else from the same gig - a review from the online mag The Word - some nice things said here - especially about The Rock God!; although I'm not so sure about the "...but he's playing in a pub band" bit! We like to think he does it cos he loves us!

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The Voice!

The Voice!

The Rock God!

The Rock God!

Lord Montague of Macclesfield

Lord Montague of Macclesfield

The Drummer!

The Drummer!

The Token Bird!

The Token Bird!