Our next gig takes us again to uncharted territory although, having said that, it's only spitting distance (not that we've tried it!) from where we practice - which is the Brewery (oh dear, what a pity, never mind!).
Yes - Thursday 7 February sees us play THE JOLLY SAILOR on Sunderland Street, for the first time ever!
Now the Jolly (or is it the Sailor?) has had a somewhat chequered past. and rumours of people being thrown IN through the windows, as well as out, abounded, so we were a little apprehensive when Dave announced that he had got us a gig there - cries of "where??" and "...you've done what?" were heard all round the place, and we had visions of having to rent a Blues Brothers-esque cage to protect ourselves!
However, being the true professionals we are, Hugh and I went to check the place out the other week, and we're delighted to report that the new landlord has done a great job in doing the place up - bright decor and good beer, together with a friendly welcome, what more could anyone want (they even stock Storm Brewing's Bosley Cloud!)?
So, if you're at a loose end on Thursday night, why not come along and start the weekend early? It will be a nice relaxed evening - we usually practice on Thursdays, so this will be a refreshing change, and we might even try some new stuff out on the unsuspecting audience! Andy is working until 9:00pm, so we'll probably go on around 9:30pm and play till about 11:45.
Be there or be rectangular!!
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