Well - what a weekend! First "double header" for some time and, although it was hard work, both gigs went off really well, and it was great to see so many people having a good time. Only fair to summarise what went on, for those who weren't lucky enough to be there, and for those who were, but can't remember!
On Friday, we were at The Wharf which, as many people know, has been lovingly developed by Chris and Jane into one of the best beer and music venues in town - even winning the CAMRA Cheshire Pub of the Year accolade a few weeks ago! On checking our previous gig calendar, it turns out that it was April 2012 when we last played there - a gig that was memorable not least for the amount of condensation that was running down the windows, walls, mirrors and pictures by the time we finished! It was obvious, while we were setting up on Friday, that it was going to be another warm one, although I think Chris must have sorted out his air conditioning because, although the place was rammed by the time we started at 8:45, the liquid to hard surface ratio was significantly less this time round!
As I said, there was almost a full house by the time we kicked off, which is always a good sign, and the cross-section of people was equally pleasing; it looked like there was a Tytherington High School reunion in progress, as well as some more "mature" friends (and I use that term advisedly!), and it was an added bonus to have our former bass player Matt Rose there taking a break from the punishing world tour that his current band have been on (a little known beat combo called The Virginmarys!). Apparently, they are off to the USA in a couple of weeks, followed by a UK headline tour - which of course, is nothing, because we're playing Holmes Chapel in November! Matt was there with the rest of his family, and it was a joy to see several generations of several families in the room.
The gig itself was the normal mix of mayhem, and seemed to be very well received, judging by the amount of jumping up and down that went on! We were due to finish at 11:00pm, but Chris very kindly let us put in a couple of encores - even so, it was difficult to work out how, with such an early finish, it was still gone 1:30am when we got home (in the pouring rain!) - I'm sure the fluid replacement at the end of the evening had nothing to do with it!
A special mention to Jane (the landlady) who is about 14 months pregnant, and managed to avoid producing Child No.2 despite our best attempts to get her to deliver during "Sex On Fire"! Not sure if anything has happened yet, but all the best for your happy event Jane (and Chris!)!
Less than 24 hours later, the dirty white tour bus pulled up outside The Cock & Pheasant in Bollington for Round 4 of our Autumn Tour. We set up in a corner of the pub which gave the audience a better chance of seeing what we were doing but, unfortunately, was a bit "cosy for us! Cramming 6 of us into a space that was only a little roomier than a telephone box would have taxed the most expert space designer, but we did it (although Matt did complain he could only see the back of Paul & Chrissie's heads and 2 people beyond - oh how that boy suffers for his art!).
There weren't as many people in on Saturday (or maybe it was just they were round corners and we couldn't see them!), but Kevin & Fiona (stalwart supporters) showed just what gluttons for punishment they are by turning up for the second night in a row (oh, how we love you two!)! Also great to see other old friends Pete (who stopped in on his way to work), Roger and Ian (who'd driven back from Stratford on Avon) there, as well as former band members Frank & Paul.
Again, the set list was designed to provide something for everyone; little did we know that Hugh's rendition of "Come Up And See Me" and Matt's piece de resistance "Chasing Cars" would reduce one lady to tears! She said it was because she loved them so much (which was very good of her), but I did say, at the time, that it wasn't the first time our singing had made people cry!
So, all in all, a hectic and exhausting, but extremely enjoyable weekend, and now we have a couple of weeks rest before the next onslaught! Rounds 5&6 of our Autumn Tour see us take on another "double header" over the weekend of 15&16 November - this time for 2 very worthwhile charities. On Friday 15 November, we are playing for the What Women Want Ball in aid of The East Cheshire Hospice at Cranage Hall. This is already a sell-out and, if what the organisers tell me is correct, the venue will be more appropriately named CARNAGE Hall! We've had previous experience of these type of events (Congleton Ladies Circle you know who you are!), so we maybe lucky to escape intact!
The following evening, we will drag what's left of ourselves into Manchester to play at the Masquerade Ball in aid of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. This takes place at the Manchester Monastery and, again, promises to be a wild night; the venue is an old church, which has had the interior maintained as it was, and a couple of us went over there to check out the acoustics - WOW!! The place is VAST (97 feet from floor to ceiling), and it looks like a fabulous place to hold events; the photo below is of the stage - yes, that's right, we're playing in front of what was the altar! For a sense of perspective, just check out the little human figures at the bottom left!

Finally, here are some links to photos taken at our Goosfest gig, a couple of weeks ago; again, a brilliant gig and, after worrying whether there would be enough people willing to pay £10.00 to see us do what we do, it was fantastic to see 100+ people jumping up and down and dancing like there was no tomorrow!